


Individual Psychotherapy is a process of meeting with a therapist to assist you in dealing with symptoms or problems you are having. A common aim of therapy is to gain understanding that informs one to make new choices that achieve a better... read more

Family Therapy

Family therapy involves a whole family, or several family members, all meeting with a therapist. Family therapy can be helpful if a family is having problems getting along. It can also be used with one family... read more

Teen Counseling

The transition from childhood to adulthood, better known as the teenage years, is a critical time in everyone's life. This is when young adults begin to form their own unique identity that defines who they are. This stage is... read more

Services Provided

Treatment Specialties

Depression: Learn to manage symptoms of depression which can range from mild to severe. Anxiety: Explore thoughts, feelings and behaviors that contribute to the symptoms of anxiety and work to manage or eliminate them. read more

Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment

Who can have a Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment? Adolescents from age 13 to 17 who commit illegal sexual behavior as defined by the sex crime statutes of the jurisdiction in which the offense occurred. Sexually abusive behaviors and... read more